Lanlang&©|174; ASC cartridge contains food grade, slow melt polyphosphate that dissolves in water to inhibit scale and rust build up. The ASC cartridge can be used as a pretreatment for R/O's, ice machines, coffee makers, distillers, hot water heaters, evaporators, and steam generators. Maximum benefit is derived when the feed water flows into a holding tank (boiler, hot water heater) or reservoir, which provides a leveling effect on the phosphate concentration. Features & Benefits: Lanlang&©|174; ASC cartridge media can react with Ca2+ & Mg2+ efficiently to make them soluble complex. So it is an efficient antiscalant. It also reacts with Fe2+ to create an insoluble film adhering to the surface of the water pipe to protect the pipe from corrosion. &©|9830; Protects: water systems in hotels, public buildings, private households and industry against scale form cation and corrosion &©|9830; Prevents: "brown" water and clogged pipes &©|9830; Saves: expensive repairs or even replacement of water pipes, boilers, heaters, cooling systems, etc. &©|9830; Extends: the life of your water installation &©|9830; Different size available for your systems.